Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
December 8, 2005
- Ed Dyer
- Bernie Hart
- Marilyn MacDonald
- John McKay
- Tanya Moxley
- Alan Turner
- Mark Alberstat
- Dale Crory
- Tom Daly
- Bill Matheson
- Marni Tuttle
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Bernie / John moved approval of last month's minutes. CARRIED
Staff Matters
Andrew left the room for this discussion.
The Executive has no proposal on this matter as yet; a number of issues remain unresolved. John / Alan moved that we go in camera for a further discussion of the Office Manager's contract for 2006. CARRIED.
Bernie / Ed moved that we return from in camera. CARRIED
Andrew returned to the room. He agreed to continue working under his current contract until a further meeting with the Executive early in January.
Wi-Fi Report
Ed, Andrew, John and Alan met on Tuesday to consider a variety of options and technologies. They have formed the shell of a proposal that would involve placement of wireless 'hosts' throughout Metro. There was considerable enthusiasm for the plan outlined. There are a number of hardware and software questions still to be sorted out. A more specific budget also needs to be developed. The 'wi-fi' group agreed to bring a more detailed budget and implementation plan to the January board meeting for approval.
The Chair stressed the need to involve as many of the Board as possible in this new project so that no one gets over-burdened. A number of members may also want to help.
[Bernie had to leave at this point]
Committee Reports
Technical Committee
Ed reported that Johnathan is making considerable progress with the new web-mail and the HTML editor / file manager interface. The new web-mail can be accessed through the URL distributed in Johnathan's last report, but is not yet publicly available.
Johnathan asked Andrew to convey a request to purchase a particular technical resource book. He is willing to share the cost 50:50. Ed / Alan moved that Andrew go ahead with the purchase. CARRIED.
Finance Committee
No report as Bernie had left. The budget for 2006 will be presented at the January meeting.
Policy Committee
Nothing to report at this time, although Andrew expects that the implementation of the wi-fi system will require a number of policies. These will be identified in the January presentation.
He asked for input on whether CCN should accept banner ads from competing web hosting companies for the web camera page on the web site. There was general agreement that we should not.
External Committee
Marilyn reported that our ad was placed in The Coast new music edition. So far we have one sign-up and several calls for information that are directly attributable to our recent advertising initiatives.
Internal Committee
No report from Bill who wasn't present. Alan reported that he met with Bill and Marni on this issue recently and they agreed to meet bi-weekly, but then the federal election was called, so we don't expect to hear from Bill until after that.
Other Business
John presented a possible name for a new Board member. He will officially ask her to join; Marilyn is willing to speak with her if necessary.
Marilyn asked all members present to be thinking of possible names for the new Board, as six terms will expire and Marilyn expects that not all wish to stand for re-election.
Alan moved that we adjourn at 8:25 PM.
Next Meeting
January 12, 2005. 6:30 PM, Colloquium Room