Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
January 12, 2006
- Mark Alberstat
- Ed Dyer
- Bernie Hart
- Marilyn MacDonald
- Bill Matheson
- John McKay
- Tanya Moxley
- Alan Turner
- Marni Tuttle
- Andrew D. Wright
Marilyn noted that this was the 5th consecutive miss for Dale; no regrets
tonight, although have been provided previously.
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM.
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Alan / Mark moved approval of last month's minutes as circulated. CARRIED
Staff Matters
Bill / Marni move that we go in camera for this session. CARRIED
Alan / Mark moved that we leave in camera. CARRIED
Motion: Bernie / Alan moved that Marni develop revisions to the Office
Manager contract to better reflect Andrew's current working situation. The
new contact will be presented at the March Board meeting. If a new
agreement is not reached by then, the terms of the 2005 contract remain in
effect until Dec. 31, 2006. CARRIED
Discussion regarding the need for Johnathan this year in the face of
various new initiatives we want to undertake. There was agreement that we
need to budget to have him all year, in order to do the things are talking
Alan / Bernie move that we offer Johnathan full time for the year at his
current rate of pay. CARRIED.
Andrew reminded us that we've now 'crossed the line' and have more Plus
accounts than text accounts. We would need 200 - 300 new accounts to keep
ahead of fixed costs such as salaries and equipment.
Due to fairly aggressive marketing from the hi-speed providers, we are
slowly losing dial-up users to hi-speed providers. So how do we provide
hi-speed? Andrew outlined a wi-fi solution for the peninsula called Clic.
Bill suggests that the city councillors could be helpful.
The implementation will require hardware selection, approaching potential
customers, finding funding etc... There seems to be a fair amount of
enthusiasm for this initiative among the Board members. Andrew estimates
$10,000 for hardware, $3 - 4000 for advertising, some funds for
sub-contracting some technical tasks.
John will be in touch with a contact at CabCo re: equipment and someone at
the city.
Bernie & Andrew will work on a presentation for Communications Canada
(Industry Canada).
So do we go ahead? Bernie proposes we review the budget first.
Budget 2006
Bernie circulated a 2006 budget. At our current rate of
using-up-our-reserves, we have 2-3 years of status quo left to us.
Marilyn reminds us that five years ago we had no paid technical staff at
all, so don't get too tied to salaries just yet. Alan pointed out that the
more we cut dedicated staff time, all we do is slow the bleeding, not
change the result.
Question re: do we need Board liability insurance? Given the changes in
legislation re: non-profit Boards, should we investigate this? John &
Bernie suggest we do need it, given the business we're in.
We do need a new mail server, above & beyond the possible wi-fi project.
Andrew suggests we budget $3000 for it.
Alan suggests we put some of our reserves in a daily interest account,
which would get us better interest than currently.
Marni suggests that all Board members be expected to make a donation at
whatever level we are comfortable with. Marilyn will follow-up with a
letter to Board members.
Bernie suggests we take a half day in the near future to consider the
wi-fi project in more detail, in addition to considering options for
fundraising. Marni will work with Andrew to review our current
fundraising situation and bring some recommendations to the suggested
Andrew notes that we need to drop our VDN rates to the market rate, from
$150/year to <$30.
John / Mark move that we accept the presented budget, although clearly
some changes will arise. A separate capital budget will be developed for
the wi-fi project. CARRIED
Bernie / Alan move that we allocate up to $12,000 from our reserves for
the wi-fi project, with the expectation that we will be seeking funds from
other sources so that hopefully we don't have to spend all this. CARRIED
Ed notes that the uptake rate would not have to be enormous in order for
us to come out ahead.
There was some further discussion of options & possibilities
Committee Reports
Finance Committee
Nothing additional to the Budget.
Technical Committee
- System software has been updated.
- Webmail has been updated and was rolled out 2 - 3 weeks ago.
- Ran into some user issues with old web browsers; there are several
versions of webmail running as a result.
- Other significant effort has been around wi-fi initiative
Policy Committee
Lots will be required for wi-fi initiative.
External Committee
The school of Public Administration at Dalhousie wasn't able to find a
student to work on a project for us. That's okay given our current
situation. Her contact there provided another contact who might have a
student next year. With the AGM coming up, there will be some work to do
on planning the meeting.
The AGM would be April 13th - Holy Thursday. General agreement that we go
to the 20th instead. The committee will take a look at the rooms in new
Rowe building. We would like to publicize the meeting fairly heavily so we
can launch the wi-fi initiative. Several members expect that if we say
we're announcing a hi-speed option, that people will come out. Marni will
make the call to book the room once we pick a space.
Who's up for renewal? Marilyn, Bernie, Alan, Tom, Tanya, Mark. There are
also questions about Dale. At the Board's request, Marilyn will write to
Dale to enquire about her status. Any other suggestions about new members
can go to John.
Internal Committee
Hasn't met.
Other Business
JT's car was broken into and he lost his laptop, bag, and the book we
bought with him previously. AW wants to know if we can contribute to
replacing it. General Yes.
Adjournment: Bernie moved that we adjourn at 9:05 PM.
Next Meeting: Feb 9, 2006. 6:30 PM, Colloquium Room