Chebucto Community Net
Board Minutes
Tuesday 14 March 2000


Start 6:40 P.M., Adjourned 8:20 P.M.

  • Michael Colborne (Chair)
  • Leo J. Deveau
  • Joyline Makani
  • Doug McCann
  • David Murdoch
  • Krista Olmstead
  • Sharon Parker

          Regrets: Bernie Hart, Andrew Wright



          The minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read.

          There was no business arising from the minutes.

Renewal Letters

          K. Olmstead presented copies of proposed account renewal letters.

          Moved (K. Olmstead): That renewal notices be processed as revised and that the notices be automatically generated upon account expiry.

Seconded: (J. Makani)


Annual General Meeting

          The notice announcing the Annual General Meeting has been prepared. According to the bylaws, it must be circulated at least three days before the meeting is scheduled to take place.

          Committee Chairs are requested to submit their annual reports to S. Parker before April 20, 2000.

          S. Parker will take care of refreshments.

          Leo Deveau will contact Mark Rushton, to request that he give a presentation about Cuba as a prelude to the AGM meeting.


Executive Director's Report

  1. Leo Deveau reported on the successful IP meeting with the major resource people in attendance, where the new proposed fee schedule was discussed. Leo distributed copies to the Board members present.

    Moved: (D. McCann): That the Board approve the schedule, after some further discussion and clarification of the distinction between users and members, and the definition of "membership."

    Seconded: (S. Parker)


    Moved: (D. McCann): That the interim fee structure be put forward for approval, awaiting a revised fee structure in consultation with the membership.

    Seconded: (D. Murdoch)


  2. The advertisements have been placed in The Coast magazine. There will be alternate quarterly and "teaser" ads. It was suggested that graphical access should not be emphasized and that the URL should be included.

  3. Leo is working on the membership booklet. He circulated a draft copy for information purposes. It was suggested that we consult some communications people associated with Chebucto, for their comments and input.

  4. The strategic planning retreat of the Board has been tentatively scheduled for June, 2000. Leo will contact Peter Morgan and/or John Grey concerning facilitation.

  5. Leo announced that Chebucto Community Net is now formally a member of the Volunteer Resource Centre.


Full-time Tech Support

          D. Murdoch reported that CCN is in the process of advertising for a full-time technical support person. The contract will be for 40 hours per month, paid from the Tech budget.

          Chebucto has been approved for funding for a Computer Science Co-op student, at $5 per hour for 40 hours per week for 16 weeks. An application has been submitted for funding for a Public Relations Co-op student. Also submitted are proposals for funding from the HRDC summer career placement program.

Board Member Recruitment

          M. Colborne, D. Murdoch, and L. Deveau met to brainstorm a list of prospective Board nominees. A followup meeting is planned.

Other Business

          M. Colborne announced that the Media Awareness Network in Ottawa has an excellent website, Their province-wide initiative will be introduced to promote web awareness. Their aim is to move web awareness to the national level. They have developed some excellent products, Power Point presentations focussed at kids and parents, on topics such as Privacy, Safety Online, and "Fact or Folly".

          Nova Scotia is the first province to be involved, through the Provincial Library. Chebucto's role includes links on our website, a note on our CD, and a membership for CCN in the organization.


Next Meeting

          Tuesday, April 4, 2000, at 6:30 PM. Location TBA.

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